Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chemo - Day 2

OK - it's kicking my butt big time. Nothing fun or silly about this today. I'm exhausted and sore. My teeth hurt, my legs are killing me. I'm cold then hot. It's hard to concentrate and everything tastes funny. I can wear a ring again and still have one more dose of "anti-swelling" meds to take in the morning. I gave in and took an anti nausea pill this evening. But heck I've got my hair for 12 more days and I worked all day. I've been able to eat and even went for a little walk with Maddie. So, no more whining - it could be much worse. Going to bed soon. Tomorrow is another day. I'll get chemo treatments pictures up tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I have taken it every day for the last 3 years!! It helps me tons! Love Shelli